Economist, former Director of economic studies at the socio-economic research institute
Fondazione Censis and Director of Communication and the Italian shipping association
Confitarma, he was Head of Development of Italia Navigando S.p.a. and currently he is the
Director of RAM – Logistica Infrastrutture e Trasporti S.p.a., controlled by the Ministry of
Economy which works in house at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.
He has published papers on the transport system and on local and business development; he
has coordinated the realisation of the first and second sea economy reports in collaboration
with the maritime organisation Federazione del Mare. He is an evaluator of transport projects on behalf of the European Union and has drawn up the National Plan for the development of pleasure boating. He has collaborated with several Ministries and institutions, including the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. He teaches Transport and Infrastructure Economics at Università Europea di Roma and is a member of the Digital Transport and Logistic Forum set up by the European Commission. He undertakes outreach activities and teaches in the field of logistics and transport both in Italy and abroad.
Transport economics, infrastructure, logistics, maritime economics, port systems, interports,
rail networks, economic analysis of infrastructure projects.