This specifies the organizational and administrative aspects of the Degree in Economics and Business Management (L-18)
Find out on Regolamento didattico (in italian)
A useful and practical tool to successfully enroll in the Bachelor’s Degree course. It completes the Student Guide.
Find out more on Ordinamento degli studi (in italian)
Find out more on Insegnamenti attivi (in italian)
Economics and Business Management Laboratories
Find out more on Calendario accademico (in italian)
Lessons last 45 minutes (academic hour) in order to maximize attention and learning levels. The teaching activity focuses on lectures, supplemented by tutorial activities and seminars. In addition, both curricular and extra-curricular activities are incorporated into the programs in order to enrich student personal and professional training.
Find out more on Orario delle lezioni (in italian)
Examination times are scheduled at the end of a teaching cycle.
Find out more on Esami (in italian)
Information about the graduation exam application can be found in the graduation exam section of the Bachelor’s Degree (in italian)
The Università Europea di Roma offers its students the opportunity to follow an international study program.
Thanks to UER’s partnership with other universities, students of Economics can carry out part of their study program abroad by enrolling in a double degree.
This is a study program at the end of which students will obtain two degrees, the Italian one issued by Università Europea di Roma and the other issued by the partner University abroad.
Access to the double degree is regulated by public announcement and the number of eligible places is limited. Selected students will complete at least one year of studies at the partner university and can receive financial support from Università Europea di Roma.
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Università Europea di Roma offers students in the second and third year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Business Management, and students in the first and second year of the Master’s Degree in Economics and Innovation Management, the opportunity to take part in the LSE Summer School of Business and Management at the London School of Economics
The London School of Economics and Political Science, winner of the QS World University Rankings 2017-2018 as the second best University of Social Sciences, is one of the world’s most important institutions of Social and Economic Sciences. Find out more »
The Università Europea offers its students a wide range of services including:
Job placement, Tutoring, Extracurricular activities, an excellent library service, a book shop, a well-run Cafeteria and a Chaplaincy.
Find out more on Rappresentanti degli studenti (in italian)
Find out more on Segreteria didattica (in italian)