12 Apr 2019
The event, which is part of the cycle of seminars “meetings with the protagonists”, will be held under the patronage of AGCOM and the Italian Data Protection Authority. The Lectio Magistralis will be held by Prof. Avv. Emmanuele F. M. Emanuele. The event will be introduced by Prof. Alberto M. Gambino. 11.00 A.M., Thesis room - Università Europea di Roma (Via degli Aldobrandeschi, 190 - Rome) Event program See the calendar with all the events of this cycle...
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10 Apr 2019
The event, which is part of the cycle of seminars “Meetings with the Protagonists”, will be held under the patronage of AGCOM and the Italian Data Protection Authority. Speakers: Massimiliano Nicotra - Membro consiglio direttivo Blockchain Education Network Italia Emiliano Palermo - Blockchain Education Network Italia When: 4.00 P.M. to 6.00 P.M. - Università Europea di Roma See the calendar with all the events of this cycle...
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3 Apr 2019
The event, which is part of the cycle of seminars “Meeting with the Protagonists”, will be held under the patronage of AGCOM and the Italian Data Protection Authority. Speakers: Luca Attias - Commissario straordinario del Governo per l'attuazione dell'Agenda digitale Guido Scorza - Professore a contratto di Diritto e gestione PA digitale Università Europea di Roma e Responsabile Affari Regolamentari Team digitale Presidenza del Consiglio When: 4.00 P.M. to ...
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27 Mar 2019
The event, which is part of the cycle of seminars “Meetings with the Protagonists”, will be held under the patronage of AGCOM and the Italian Data Protection Authority. Speakers: Andrea Pontecorvo - Consigliere dell'Ordine degli Avvocati di Roma Vincenzo Lino - Notaio dei distretti notarili riuniti di Roma, Velletri e Civitavecchia When: 4.00 P.M. to 6.00 P.M. - Università Europea di Roma See the calendar with all the events of this cycle...
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29 Mar 2019
The event, which is part of the cycle of seminars “Meetings with the Protagonists”, will be held under the patronage of AGCOM and the Italian Data Protection Authority. Speakers: Mario Morcellini - Commissario AGCOM Augusto Preta - Presidente IIC Italian Chapter e ITMedia Consulting Luca Piccinelli - Deputy Head of Italy Marketing Huawei When: 9.00 A.M. to 11.00 A.M. - Università Europea di Roma See the calendar with all the events of this cycle...
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20 Mar 2019
The event, which is part of the cycle of seminars “Meetings with the Protagonists”, will be held under the patronage of AGCOM and the Italian Data Protection Authority. Speakers: Corrado Giustozzi - Responsabile CERT PA Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale (AgID) Davide Mula - Professore a contratto di Diritto e gestione dati personali e biotecnologie - Università Europea di Roma When: 4.00 P.M. to 6.00 P.M. - Università Europea di Roma Check the calendar to...
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