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The course offers the necessary skills to address the selective procedures for access to traditional legal professions (magistracy, lawyers and notaries) and to hold managerial positions in public administrations, national and European, and in private companies.
In particular, the course forms a legal professional: a) with a solid knowledge of the regulatory system, in the complexity of its national and supranational components; b) provided with the interpretative and argumentative abilities necessary for the solution of legal problems, even unpublished and complex; c) able to move with ease even in different legal contexts and in constant transformation and in the virtual spaces opened by new technologies.
The educational offer is particularly attentive to the themes of innovation and the international context, without neglecting the methodological rigor and the attention to the operational and casuistic data. The traditional didactics is accompanied by workshops and exercises, also written, in order to favor a direct contact with the living reality of the law. Attendance at educational activities is an essential part of the training course. The class schedule is designed to allow efficient use of time and optimal distribution of workloads. Study abroad experiences represent an ideal completion of the training course. In particular, the course offers the opportunity to attend winter and summer schools at Fordham University in New York, to take six-month mobility periods in universities of 22 European and non-European countries and to obtain a Bachelor Degree of Laws (double title) at the Dublin Business School. The course periodically organizes visits to European institutions and international tribunals.
Specialist profiles
The Student will choose one of the following profiles that characterize his / her study path:
Job opportunities
The demand for jurists with a level education has not diminished. However, it is increasingly difficult for this demand to capture a truly adequate supply of graduates. The investment in a good legal education is characterized by a medium-long time horizon. The outcome, however, is not uncertain: there will always be a demand for jurists with a solid education, able to adapt quickly to the transformations of the legal contexts and to their supranational dimension and to face with ease the new questions determined by technological development.
Lectures are distributed in two semesters consisting of 12 teaching weeks each. The class schedule is designed to rationalize the use of time, in order to equitably favor teaching agenda and distribute the workload.
Classes are exclusively held in the morning hours, with the exception of elective courses which take place in the afternoon, always respecting a break from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. that can also be employed for additional activities or personal study.
Lessons last 45 minutes each as to maximize the attention and learning span. Teaching consists mainly of lectures, together with practical activities and seminars, accompanied by numerous other educational activities, both curricular and extra-curricular activities, which enrich the human and professional training that the European University of Rome wants to provide its students with.
Please check the academic calendar, lectures & exams (only available in Italian).
Eleonora Zita
Tel: +390666543864 – email
Office hours:
Monday to Friday 11 am to 1 pm
The Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques provides a solid and updated basic training in the various sectors of psychological disciplines, including methods that characterize the scientific study.
The Master of Science in Psychology prepares you to perform your professional skills and provides you with specific knowledge on your field of interest, according to the two curricula: Clinical and Community Psychology and Psychology of Work and Organizations.
The Course of Science in Primary Education (Single-cycle Degree Course – LM-85a) has two educational goals that foster the international projection:
a) English Language
Students will follow the English language courses provided annually and certain lessons / workshops which will be held exclusively in English, just like part of the direct placement, alsoheld in English. This will make it possible to respond to the internationalization of knowledge, getting stronger in our society. At the same time, it will definitely improve the English skills of the students. Furthermore, initial courses and ongoing teaching of the English language will be provided to allow all students to achieve these objectives.
b) integration and multiculturalism
The preparation of school teachers must be increasingly geared towards the challenges that the current society’s transformation is imposing. For such reason this graduate programme promotes knowledge of the dynamics and problems related to intercultural features that characterize the kindergarten and primary schools. Particular attention will be paid to the study of intercultural relations and the phenomena and processes of integration.
The single-cycle Degree course in Science of Primary Education lasts five years. The course aims to train teachers of nursery and primary schools. The course, after passing the final exam, has qualifying value for teaching in kindergarten and primary school.
Lectures are distributed in two semesters consisting of 12 teaching weeks each. The class schedule is designed to rationalize the use of time, in order to equitably favor teaching agenda and distribute the workload.
Classes are exclusively held in the morning hours, with the exception of elective courses which take place in the afternoon, always respecting a break from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. that can also be employed for additional activities or personal study.
Lessons last 45 minutes each as to maximize the attention and learning span. Teaching consists mainly of lectures, together with practical activities and seminars, accompanied by numerous other educational activities, both curricular and extra-curricular activities, which enrich the human and professional training that the European University of Rome wants to provide its students with.
Please check the academic calendar, lectures & exams (only available in Italian).
On 13th September 2018 at 11 a.m. the admission test for the Bachelor’s Degree in Science of Primary Education will be held at state level.
Deadlines and procedures of enrollment and participation are available (in Italian) in the official web page.
Carolina Berardi
Tel: +39.0666543850 – Mob: +39.3804381573 – email
Office hours:
Monday to Friday 11 am to 1 pm
The new three-year Degree course (L-15) in Tourism covers all topics related to management of tourist services, artistic & cultural management, environmental heritage, food and catering industries and agri-business.
Book your orientation interview today!
Fill out the form and leave your data. We will call you back!
The course combines traditional technical and professional skills with the newest technologies of web marketing and digital communication in order to work with innovative solutions both in the cultural and religious tourism field. Sustainable & environmental tourism and agri-business tourism are also very important topics that our three-years Bachelor’s Degree focuses on.
The course also offers a solid interdisciplinary theoretical / practical training course with economics, law, sociology, history, geography, information systems and valorization of artistic and cultural heritage.
Admission to the degree programme:
The enrollment is open to all Italian and foreign students who have completed a secondary school diploma after passing the admission test.
Lectures are distributed in two semesters consisting of 12 teaching weeks each. The class schedule is designed to rationalize the use of time, in order to equitably favor teaching agenda and distribute the workload.
Classes are exclusively held in the morning hours, with the exception of elective courses which take place in the afternoon, always respecting a break from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. that can also be employed for additional activities or personal study.
Lessons last 45 minutes each as to maximize the attention and learning span. Teaching consists mainly of lectures, together with practical activities and seminars, accompanied by numerous other educational activities, both curricular and extra-curricular activities, which enrich the human and professional training that the European University of Rome wants to provide its students with.
Please check the academic calendar, lectures & exams (only available in Italian).
Giovanni Iannone
Tel. +390666543802 – email
Office hours:
Monday to Friday 11 am to 1 pm
A course in Medicine is a fascinating path that leads to the training of the doctor who will work in public and private hospitals, biomedical research centres, healthcare facilities in the territory, or in the liberal professions.
Today’s doctor represents something extremely complex and different from the professional figure of even just 15 or 20 years ago; he is a doctor who has to deal with extremely articulated realities, with increasingly complex patients for whom, however, medical science wants to find a solution every time.
Today, modern medicine faces great challenges, such as in the field of neuroscience and degenerative brain diseases, the field of oncology, where the solution always seems to be close at hand, but where tumours still represent a fearsome and partly unknown enemy, and above all that of cardiac and cardiovascular diseases, which are still the leading cause of death in the western world, and for which prevention can play a fundamental role.
The doctor today has tools that were unimaginable until a short time ago, and the possibility of using increasingly sophisticated technologies, both diagnostic and therapeutic, that allow him to treat increasingly frail and elderly patients, with increasingly less invasive techniques and therapeutic strategies.
Today’s doctor must and can take advantage of amazing technologies such as: